Thursday, August 21, 2008

Olly's Latest Fascinations...

His favorite new spot is out on the balcony, guarding us as he stares off any dog that he can...

Today, as I was creating lesson plans for the new school year, apparently he likes watching the papers come out of the printer and then tries to catch them by slamming his paw down to stop them...too cute!

Olly is definitely settling in, no longer hiding under the bed, but constantly under our feet wanting to be held or cuddled with. We absolutely adore him. What a great addition to our family he has become. And yes...he gets along fairly well with the rats...but they keep their space!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Road Trip to Tuscon, Arizona!

Okay, so maybe we copied Kathy and Dana. We went to a wedding this past weekend too! Jud and I drove out with my parents to Tucson to see my cousin Dustin get married to a wonderful woman named Rachel. I absolutely adore her. I wish we lived closer to them so we could hang out more as couples. God definitely united a great team this past Saturday. They will bring Him much glory I am convinced. It was a joy to be able to be there as well as travel with my parents. We shared long hours in the car, 109 degree weather in Phoenix, and late night laughs in the hotel room watching the Olympics after the wedding. Thanks mom and dad for such a wonderful weekend! Congratulations to Dustin and Rachel! We love you both.

Us with Dustin and Rachel at the reception

My parents after the ceremony...don't they look great!

My cousin Matthew (Dustin's brother) with his little girl Hallie

Monday, August 11, 2008

Girls Week in Idaho!

So here is a slide show of pictures for you to check out and get a glimpse of my time in Idaho. My mom's side of the family started a tradition last summer to have a "Girls Week" at my Aunt Carol's ranch where they raise alpacas (an animal similar to llamas but different). Last year I was unable to go, but this year was a must! It was definitely a trip I didn't even know I needed. It was personally unforgettable from discovering a new passion for kayaking through white water rapids, to learning how to knit, paint watercolors, and how to live on a ranch in Craigmont, Idaho! It was an adventure I will never forget and already can't wait to return next summer with the guys!

Pictures of trip:

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Meet Olly!

Ok, so I just returned back from an incredible week trip in Craigmont, Idaho, but before I share any pictures of that trip, you must meet the new addition to our family. We just adopted a cat from the Pasadena Humane Society yesterday and he's quickly adapting to our home. He is 7 years old but unique in that he's extremely playful and loves to be rubbed, brushed, and played with. We love his personality already on top of his in incredible markings. Olly has the most gorgeous sea green colored eyes. As you can see, he wants to be right where you are, whether that's in the middle of a gin rummy game or by the keyboard while Jud is playing his video game.