Friday, January 1, 2010

Holiday Happenings!

So, as a teacher, you know, I get two weeks off. It has been such a great break. I'm feeling much better now being in the 2nd trimester with much more energy. I redecorated our bedroom to give us a new relaxing haven before the baby comes. We visited both families for Christmas, I got to see Amy & the girls, and I got some girl time with my mom and sister as we went maternity clothes shopping. Just last night, Jud & I celebrated New Year's Eve at Heather & Ben's wedding in San Pedro. Here are some great pics from this past holiday time. Happy New Year!!

Jud's family opening the t-shirts we made them for when the baby comes!

After opening presents at the Cameron household

Emily (5 1/2) & Alithea (15 months) Downing

Mom & Daughter...couldn't look more alike

Me visiting them while they were down in Long Beach (Amy's also 5 months pregnant here with their 3rd girl on the way...she's due exactly 1 month before us!)

Christmas in Riverside after Christmas Eve service

Jud & I at 16 weeks officially! Our first profile pic!

The t-shirts we made for my family for when baby Cameron comes!

What I will look like at 7 months...I'm wearing that velcro tummy at the maternity store =)


Kathy J said...

You've got the pregnant glow happening for sure! You're gorgeous!

Kimmie said...

So cool Jess! I love seeing your pregnant! I am glad you are feeling better and that you got some time off!

Unknown said...

For a second I was like, "Whoa!" Then I read you were wearing a fake tummy. :) Love you so much and I am so glad I got to see you in CA!