Monday, February 15, 2010

Trip to Colorado!

Thanks to Val, I got to finally visit Kath & Dana in Fort Collins CO this last weekend. It was so refreshing to hang out with them and see the beauty in Colorado. We went to a game night, played some trivia with Kath's coworker Carrie, and ate good food. I enjoyed getting to meet their friends, see their home, and go to their church. Thanks again guys for having me!

Saturday morning we had Keith & Sarah over for a pancake breakfast. Thanks again Dana for making those! It was so good to see you Wernsings! Its been way too long.

Kath took me around Fort Collins a little and here's the reservoir nearby frozen over. Isn't that stunning?!

As we drove by where Kathy works, she showed me one of the things that always makes her day....the prairie dogs in the field across the street!

Unfortunately Jud couldn't come with me to Colorado, so I brought a bit back for him to enjoy! He's wearing his new Fat Tire t-shirt and holding the two new beers I got from the Fort Collins New Belgium Brewery. He was very excited!

I came home to some surprises too! Jud's cousin Kim sent us a big package with not only her breast pump she's giving to us, but tons of cute little baby fun!! Thank you so much Kim!


Dana said...

It was so much fun having you out! Glad that Val was so generous.

And the New Belgium shirt looks good on ya, Jud.

Unknown said...


Kathy J said...

Thanks for coming up! It was great to have you meet so many of our friends and co-workers during your visit. I'm glad that Jud's shirt fits so well! Has he tried the beers?

One question though - is that a tiny baby Ugg boot in your hand? If so, that is precious!

Jud and Jess Cameron said...

yeah, it is!! Is that not the cutest thing ever! I like how our baby gets to have a pair of Uggs before I do...I've always wanted a pair! =)