Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hill House Reunion!

So, as Kath mentioned on her blog...we couldn't have asked for a better time together! The five of us girls who lived together originally in Hill House in college, all met up in Nashville to celebrate Carolyn's birthday and to reunite after a few years of not living together. Its amazing how so much has happened in each of lives since then, but like Kath said, we were able to pick up right where we left off. Laughing together, simply talking as girls on the couches, praying for each other as a "family," and crying together was deeply refreshing for my soul. I truly miss having those times more frequently. Here's a few pics from our trip!


Kathy J said...

I love the pic from our PF Changs dinner - everyone looks fabulous!

Unknown said...

I love you guys!!!