Friday, January 29, 2010

Baby in Idaho!

So, here's the latest of our baby! We are officially 20 weeks now! Due date is still June 14th! You can see the baby's eyes, cute nose, it's amazing! We even got to see the baby playing with its fingers and yawning at the same time....unforgettable! Now, I can't wait to meet our little one. I've also started to feel the baby moving around inside me.

After the excitement of that doctor's visit, we traveled to McCall, Idaho for my cousin Brandy's wedding. This is Jud & I at the airport waiting to meet up with my grandparents. Unfortunately, this is the last you see of Jud because he got sooooo sick when we were there. We had to take him to the ER the night of the wedding to get him hydrated on an IV. It was scary, but in every moment I got to see God with us. Praise God, he's doing much better and we made it home safely.
This is Jenni and I at the wedding. I was able to go to the ceremony and a little of the reception.
It was the most stunning wedding I've ever been too....the ceremony was outside and it was snowing!! Absolutely magical. Yes, that is real behind me, its not a background. =) I took this pic for Jud. I missed having him at the wedding. =(
Here we are before flying home. This was Jud's first and only moment of enjoying the gorgeous scenery outside. Here, he had just walked outside to get to the car. But, I really wanted a pregnant picture together in the snow. =) Poor guy. We hope to go back some day to enjoy the beauty there in Idaho....together.


Valerie said...

Absolutely beautiful! The snow looks pretty darn cool too. =0)

Unknown said...

Sorry Jud!! You are so beautiful Jess! Hi baby. :)

Unknown said...
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Kathy J said...

Lookin good, baby mama! Can't wait to see you and the baby in one week!

Unknown said...

I haven't said an official congrats yet, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy for you guys. And that baby is a good looking kid, too! We all know which side the good looks come from. And NICE snow pictures! Looks like you had a good time, at least, Jess. Sorry Jud got so sick.

Unknown said... Spyder's Game is me, Marc E. That's weird that I can't put my name in there. It's using some sort of "Google Account" ID that I don't remember setting up...It really sucks to be computer illiterate.