Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Birthday Operation

So, my friend Val turned 30 this past weekend, but better yet, I got to help her boyfriend put on a surprise "Birthday Operation." Her boyfriend Andrew is in the military and lives out of state. He was unable to be here for her birthday, so since the two of them met in a mine field training class, he organized an "operation" for her to mine for her birthday gift. Here are some pics from the successful operation. It was so much fun to be there!

He shipped her his uniform that he wore in Iraq. He also got her name put on it along with his. How amazing is that!Val had to make her own mining probe out of a wire hanger. Here she is tediously probing through the sand looking for her buried gift.
15 minutes later...

She eventually found her gift using proper probing technique and all. Her gift was a web cam for her and Andrew to skype while he's in Afghanistan starting in April.

"Happy Birthday, Val!" "What an incredible man you have in your life!"


Kathy J said...

Love the pics! I'm glad Val isn't actually in the military though. I don't think I could handle that. :o) Happy birthday, Val!

Valerie said...

I have the most INCREDIBLE friends in the ENTIRE world. Every day I am so thankful for them!

I heart you girls!